EQ Demi Color 11/92 Tuscan Moon™

EQ Demi Color 11/92 Tuscan Moon™

Using the latest technology, Jean Alexander delivers Ammonia-Free EQ® Color which gives incredibly natural-looking results with fantastic shine and even covers gray (100% coverage for up to 70% gray)! A rich herbal content (including Mallow, Yarrow, Nettle and Chamomile) helps to sooth sensitive scalps. EQ Color is super gentle, deposit only and does not affect hair’s natural structure or disturb the melanin, therefore it can be applied on the same day as a perm or relaxer and is ideal for pre-lightened hair. It’s also great for anyone going darker or for covering gray without any warm undertones. Men are perfect candidates. EQ Color is essentially permanent and, when applied correctly, does not wash out or fade over time. EQ Color should always be used with 6 volume Ultra Developer.

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